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Javed Iqbal : Pakistan’s Most Brutal Serial Killer

Javed Iqbal, a name that traumatizes over a hundred parents till this date. 30 December 1999, Javed sent a letter to Lahore Police & The Chief News Editor of Lahore Newspaper. In which he confesses “My Count ends at 100. My mission is now complete. My messages will reach the entire world. I will make many mothers cry. I will send their sons to the next world without a coffin, throughout a gutter”. In that letter, he states every single one of the victim’s personal information, their name, their address, the way they got murdered. In the very end, he had written down an a street address, 16B Ravi Road. 

DSP Tariq Kamboh, took multiple officers with him, to the home adress Javed had noted in the letter. After knocking, a man comes out. 38-year-old, Javed Iqbal Mughal. The Police asks Javed questions related to the letter and asks for more details. Javed changes his attitude in a split second and places a pistol towards his forehead and intimidates the police, and says “If you don’t leave now, I will shoot myself”. The Police without wasting any time, got out of there as soon as possible. 

They had no idea that they had just walked away the worst serial killer in Pakistan’s history. November 22, 1999, Daily Jang Newspaper receives a package outside of the office, which later is handed to Jamil Chishti, who was Chief Reporter that time. After opening the package, he witnesses pictures of Uknown children, and a note that says “Today I have reached my target of 100 children. You will find the photographs of those children. Who they are? Where they belong? I want you to share this story on your newspaper. I am giving you my 32-page diary. That is my complete confession of 100 murders. If you visit my residence, you’ll find all proof. When you find out what I’ve done, the world will be in shock. 

When they reach the place of residence, they find out that door had been locked. After Chishti Sir enters the house by jumping over the wall, he sees a room with an acid drum, when he opens the drum, his hands burn from the acid, and what he says horrified him for the rest of his life. On the wall, he saw multiple cards, one of them stating that “I deliberately preserve some of the bodies, so the authorities can identify them. And now, I’m going to commit suicide in River Ravi. The newspaper publishes the newspaper and gives details about the children who have been abused and murdered. And outside the post office there are tons of parents waiting for children to come back. Javed was on the run, and the biggest manhunt in Pakistan’s history was launched. December 29, 1999. Javed enters the Daily Jang Newspaper Office and introduces himself and surrenders himself within a few minutes. “I’m Javed Iqbal, A killer of 100 kids. I hate this world. I have no regrets. I am ready to die”. Journalists ask Javed for more information and Javed aware them with every single detail of the moment. The office lets all the authorities know of this, and within a few minutes, All the officials and officers arrived. And Lahore Police arrested Javed Iqbal.  

As the puzzles were coming together, more and more was coming out of Javed, and his disturbing past. Javed used to belong to a wealthy family. After passing out of Islamia College, His father gave him a metal business to take care of. And he mostly used to hire children, because they were used to a small amount of income. But there was another reason behind this. Javed was a Homosexual & Pediphile. However, his business couldn’t settle. So, he decided to open an arcade shop. And there was a big crowd of kids at the arcade. And he used to drop down a 100 Rupees Note, expecting a child to pick it up. And with the victim he used to go in a private room, and sexually abuse them and kids started to go missing. 

After that, Parents would warn their kids, not to go to arcades and gaming zones cause of the incident. Later on, Javed opened a Gym & Aquarium, exactly for that reason. By 1997, Javed had to face financial crisis, because for the reason Javed used to do all this, it all costs an insane amount of money. For that, Javed sells his property and shifts to Lahore, Punjab. He finds a perfect hunting spot in the city. Data Darbar, inside there were plenty of children who would go there in need of money & food. And Javed used to kidnap all those innocent children in the greed of food, and a place to stay. Javed had his biggest turning point of his life, when he takes an 18-year-old to his house and gave him a large amount of overabundance. Later at night, while Javed was asleep, he took a rifle, and hit Javed’s head with its handle. After the Police arrive, Javed was on the ground. And had blood, nonstop coming out of his head. After inquiry, the police charges him of rape, and court declared 100 lashes to Javed, as his punishment.  

After this, Javed is in coma for 22-days straight. Javed’s family denies paying his medical bills. But his mom, cries for him, every day and night. Psychologist Akhtar Ali said that this channels Javed’s Inner demon. Javed runs out of money and moves to a rental house. 16B Ravi Road. Javed was set for revenge. “They beat me so much that my head was crushed. They left me crippled. I did it all for revenge. I will make 100 mothers cry. Just like my mother cried for me. This gives enough explanation of Javed & and his unforgettable crime. 100 lashes = 100 Murders. In early May 1999. Javed starts to take revenge. And in just 147 days, 100 Kids go missing from the city. Only 57 bodies could be recognized, because most of the bodies were dissolved in the acid. February 18, 2000. Javed was sent to jail, and same with his partners. Sajid, who was sentenced 686 years in prison. Nadeem, who was sentenced 186 years in jail, And Sabir, who was only 13 years old was set to live the next 42 years of his life in prison.  

In Lahore High Court, The Judge, Allah Bakhsh Ranja was the one the entire country was depending on. Javed was sentenced a punishment, that no-one faced in Pakistan’s history. Javed Iqbal will be taken to Minar-e-Pakistan, and he will be strangled with the same rope he used to kill children with. His body will be cute into 100 pieces, and his body will be dissolved in acid.  


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