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Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto : The Burdensome Journey Of The Pakistan’s First Ever Female Politician

Benazir Bhutto, a purely recognizable name for the Great Nation, “Pakistan”. Benazir Bhutto was the first ever female politician in Pakistan. She is incredibly famous for her legacies and hard work contributing to her nation. Benazir is tremendously elegant, as if she even wrote 6 Books, about her life and historical untold stories about Pakistan. 

Benazir was born on June 21, 1953. And was assassinated on December 27, 2007. She was born in the biggest city of Pakistan, “Karachi”. Her posters are everywhere to be seen in the Large Province of Sindh. From the streets to houses. Benazir served as the Prime Minister of Pakistan twice, 1988-1990 & 1993-1996. Benazir’s government was extremely powerful and large. She is also known as “BB Iron Lady of Pakistan”. 

Her father, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was the founder of Pakistan People’s Party. He served as the 4th President of Pakistan from 1971-1973 and the 9th Prime Minister of Pakistan from 1973-1977. And served as the Chairman of PPP, until his execution. Her husband, Asif Ali Zardari served as the 11th President of Pakistan from 2008-2013. He is also the current President of Pakistan People’s Party Parliamentarians and co-chairperson of Pakistan People’s Party. Her son, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari served as the 37th Minister of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan from 2022-2023 and the Chairman of Pakistan People’s Party since 2007. 

Benazir was a great leader for her country and a supreme lady. She was extraordinarily brave and fought for her country till her last breath. She was ecxeptionally inspiring and there is no doubt that she will always be remembered in the hearts of many Pakistanis. 


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